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A hand in the air, searching for the perfect moment, suddenly falls onto the drum skin with the speed of light. And there is a sound.
The exploding noise and its intensity spread all over the concert venue, and the thunder like noise energy hits your ears, flesh, and inner soul like a pouring sonic shower.
Music is a physical experience that vibrates your body from the bottom of your soul. We have gathered works that explore the power of physicality in music and the consciousness of spatial timing as the core compositional elements.
Concert program:
Malin BÃ¥ng (SE): Hyperoxic for bcl, 2 object players
Yukiko Watanabe (JP/DE): Nonoji for 3 performers
Marianthi Papalexandri Alexandri (GR): Contact for 3 performers
Vinko Globokar (SL): ?Corporel for one performer
Vinko Globokar (SL): Voix instrumentalisée for bass clarinet

TOUCH: About
Dries Tack performing Globokar's Voix Instrumentalisée in Flemmingsberg, SWEDEN
TOUCH: Past Events
Want to learn more about the project? You are a concert arranger and want to book us? Don’t hesitate to get in touch!

TOUCH: Contact
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